Conference Information
Where is the conference venue exactly?
The conference will take place at the Valo Park event space which is located at 7950 Jones Branch Dr, Tysons, VA 22102
What is the date and time of the conference?
The conference will take place on Monday, September 30, 2024, between 8:30AM - 6:00PM.
what is included in the ticket price?
In addition to access to the event itself, your ticket also includes catered food throughout the event to include breakfast, lunch, and snack.
Is there parking at the event?
Yes … there is a parking garage at the event, the daily fee is $10 per day.
What is the closest Public Transit?
In terms of public transit, the closest Metro Station is Tysons Corner (Silver Line) and the location is within proximity of the Fairfax Connector Bus Route 423;
Will the conference be catered?
Yes. You we will have catered Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack throughout the day. There are Vegetarian and Gluten Free Options.
What types of Presentations are part of the conference Program?
2023 line-up: AgileDC 2023 Program (does not reflect day-of modifications)
is there a group discount available?
No, we do not have any group discounts available. We have made the price as low as possible thanks to our generous sponsors and support of the volunteers. Also note that after all expenses are covered all funds are donated to nonprofit organizations.
can i earn seus for scrum alliance for attending agiledc?
SEUs can be earned at a rate of one credit per hour of participation at AgileDC for Professional Development and Presentation Skills.
Presenting, coaching, and attending sessions all count as SEU-eligible activities.
Additionally, because Scrum Alliance recognizes the value in impromptu ("hallway") discussions at Scrum Gatherings, SEUs for attendance are earned at the same rate. A maximum of 8 SEUs may be earned per day.
See more at the Scrum Alliance.
can i earn pmi pdu credits for attending agiledc?
By attending sessions at AgileDC you may be able to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) for Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and other certifications from the Project Management Institute (PMI). Please consult the CCR Handbook from PMI for details. Make sure you keep your name badge and registration confirmation as documentation to submit to PMI.
By attending AgileDC you are agreeing to the following code of conduct detailed here
Interested in Speaking
what is the deadline for submitting a presentation proposal?
Proposal timeline is available on ConfEngine and submissions are due August 23rd.
how many speaking slots are available?
There are 5 rooms available for presentations. We are planning 6 presentation timeboxes over the course of the day in each room. The presentations will take place in parallel during the respective timebox. In total, there will be 24 speaking slots.
who is the conference audience?
Historically, the conference has attracted a broad spectrum of agile practitioners spanning Team, Program, Portfolio and the Enterprise from both commercial organizations as well as federal and state entities. This includes Scrum Masters / Release Train Engineers, Product Owners, Coaches, Technical SMEs and Lean-Agile Leaders.
how do i submit a proposal for consideration?
Submit a proposal through ConfEngine.
How will proposals be selected??
In order to balance between the experienced judgment of the Program Selection Committee and the possibility of unconscious bias in that judgment, we’re going to use a hybrid selection model this year. This process, and the rationale for it, are described in detail in on the webpage AgileDC 2024 Program Selection Process but the short description is as follows:
Each submission will be checked by a reviewer for sufficiency and appropriateness.
Is the proposal related to Agile Software Development or the use of Agile principles in other fields?
Does the proposal abstract and title sell the audience on attending your session?
Is the proposal outline/structure clear and detailed enough including a description of the content, concrete examples, good time management, and balance theory and experience?
The reviewer may contact the submitter for clarification of the proposal.
All submissions that meet the minimum proposal criteria will be added to a lottery for random selection.
The reviewers will suggest, within the Program Selection Committee, submissions that seem exceptional or novel that they feel strongly should be included in the program. The committee will accept up to 8 of these suggestions based on the experienced judgment of the committee.
After that, speakers will be selected at random until the program is full.
An individual may submit multiple submissions, however, the Organizing Committee will choose only one presentation for each presenter to be vetted for consideration. Upon being vetted and approved as a candidate, that presentation would then be included in the Powerball selection process.
The Organizing Committee may, at their discretion, limit the number of submissions by an organization in order to ensure a company isn't overly represented as well. If the Organizing Committee is unable to decide between two presentations that are selected by the "randomizer algorithm" from the same company, we may then reach out to the company POC to choose which of the two presentations they would like to represent their organization.
As noted, this year there are only 24 presentation slots and we typically receive north of 300 submissions. The above guidance ensures that everyone who submits a proposal, whether a single proposal, or multiple proposals, has the same chance of being selected by the "Powerball" algorithm for selection.
what is the email notification frequency configuration?
The email notification frequency configuration controls how the Speaker Committee can communicate with you. This should be set to either “Instant” or “Daily” to ensure timely communication.
Speakers for full 45-minute talks receive a free ticket to the conference. Speakers for 10-minute lightning talks receive a discounted ticket. More information about speaker compensation can be found here.
Interested in Sponsoring
what are the sponsorship options for agiledc 2024?
This year, we are offering a Platinum Sponsorship option for those companies that intend to be present at the event in order to have direct access to event participants:
Cost of Platinum Sponsorship: $4,500.00
Platinum Sponsorship Features:
Two (2) complimentary passes.
A unique 15% discount code to the ticket price of the event which can be shared via your organization's marketing channels with your prospects and clients.
A single rectangular table (6ft long, 30 inches wide, and 30 inches in height) and 2 folding chairs. Table location will be offered FIFO (first to sponsor, first to choose).
Sponsor logo placement on the AgileDC 2024 website.
Inclusion in the Platinum Sponsor recognition rollup at the kickoff of the event.
Ability to provide a prize(s) in the post-event raffle
We are also offering a Reception Sponsorship option for those organizations that are seeking to market their Brand at the event as well as demonstrate their support of the agile community:
Cost of Reception sponsorship: $1,500.00
Reception Sponsorship Features:
Two (2) complimentary passes.
A unique 15% discount code to the ticket price of the event which can be shared via your organization's marketing channels with your prospects and clients.
Banner placement, or similar, in the lunch / reception areas (set-up / break-down is solely the responsibility of the sponsor)
Sponsor logo placement on the AgileDC 2024 website.
Inclusion in the Reception Sponsor recognition rollup at the kickoff of the event.
Ability to provide a prize(s) in the post-event raffle
Lastly, we are also offering a Website Sponsorship option for those organizations that are committed to supporting the agile community, but do not plan on having a physical presence at the event:
Cost of Website Sponsorship: $250.00
Website Sponsorship Features:
Sponsor logo placement on the AgileDC 2024 website.
Inclusion in the Website Sponsor recognition rollup at the kickoff of the event.
Ability to provide a prize(s) in the post-event raffle.
will the venue provide electricity and internet access for sponsors?
Power and WIFI access will be provided by the venue.
will platinum sponsors be able to ship packages to the venue?
To Be Determined
No, setup the night before is NOT an option, more information about the start time will be provided a head of the event directly to sponsors.