About Us
Our Mission
But what does that really mean? AgileDC is the largest Agile community organized event in the Washington DC metro area. So, not only does a group of Agile folks come together to organize the event (everything from vetting white papers to planning and logistics to marketing), but speakers share their time, expertise, and invaluable experiences so that others can benefit from their successes (they even pay for their own travel expenses!), and a generous group of sponsors donate the greenbacks to help make it all happen. All proceeds are then donated to charities chosen by the volunteers. How cool is that!
Our Values
AgileDC is the largest Agile community organized event in the Washington DC metro area and brings together thought leaders and practitioners from government, not for profits, and private industry alike to grow our local software community.
We bring disparate elements of our community together from government, not for profits, and private industry to share innovative ideas and experiences.
We raise money to cover the expenses of running the conference and supporting philanthropic work.
We are catalysts for mainstream agile adoption in the government and not for profits space in the DC area and beyond.
We value the experience we provide to our community over increasing the size of the conference.
We provide a conference with as minimal an environmental footprint as possible.
Code of Conduct
One of the primary goals of AgileDC is building community among diverse interests from government, not-for-profits, and private industry. In support of that, we expect members of the community to conduct themselves in ways that support rather than destroy the sense of community. We have a culture of inclusion, and expect others, whether attendees, speakers, volunteers, or exhibitors, to share in that culture.
How we do things around here
we are welcoming.
We believe that a diverse community is stronger, more vibrant and has more potential contributors and more sources for ideas. We aim for more diversity. We strive to welcome people of all backgrounds, identities, and levels of experience. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
We are kind.
We are warm, courteous, patient, respectful and encouraging. Disagreements, both social and technical, happen all the time and we are no exception. These differences are where we can learn the most — if everyone thought the same all the time life would be boring! We’re respectful of other people’s opinions, experience, their skills, their commitments and their efforts. We make an effort to be compassionate towards one another, to assume good intention of others, and to seek to understand first before seeking to be understood.
We are inclusive.
A diverse group of people has a diverse set of boundaries about what is OK. Sometimes one of us may do something that inadvertently causes offense. When we do this, we apologize to those offended and take steps to not repeat the offense. When we observe this happen, we try to give the offender feedback quickly, clearly and constructively. Those feeling offended are under no obligation to give direct feedback, and the community steps in to help. We try to offer the offender the opportunity to maintain their dignity in the situation, to learn from and rectify their mistake.
we do not tolerate harassment of any kind
If someone repeatedly or deliberately acts in an way that offends others, we will take decisive action to prevent any further harm. We reserve the right to revoke permission to attend the conference at our sole discretion, and may enlist help in removing people causing problems.
If you are having trouble with someone else’s behavior
Stay safe.
Whether or not you are the object of offensive behavior, there are times when confronting someone does not feel like safe behavior. Maintaining your own safety is paramount, and may inhibit some of these actions.
Ask them to stop.
Most offenses occur out of ignorance or inattention. If it’s possible to explain the offense, it’s possible to avoid future offenses.
Ask for help.
At the AgileDC Conference, approach any members of the Conference Organizing Committee (listed below) or ask a conference volunteer to help you find a member of the Organizing Committee. Organizers will make sure your report is not overheard and we will not reveal your identity to anyone. We are there to help you.
As practitioners of agile, we are committed to positivity with people and our interactions. We believe that we can advance agile, both individually and collectively, by embracing this Code of Conduct. We also believe that this Code will assist us in making wise decisions, particularly when faced with difficult situations. Our hope is that this Code of Conduct will serve as a guide; however, we rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold a high standard of integrity.